The New York Second Amendment Party is dedicated to educating and advocating for second amendment rights with the public, elected officials, law enforcement, education professionals and other stakeholders in New York State. The organization meets with statewide and local candidates and provides support for those who fully support the second amendment.
New York State is unfortunately NOT known as a Second Amendment friendly State. In fact the State, many local government’s and politicians have been illegally VIOLATING it’s citizens civil rights for decades. This comes from the ignorance and tyranny of the majority who live in just a few cities over the majority of the area of the state.
Their belief in “common sense” gun laws have caused the over 4.5 million gun owners in NY State to be not only marginalized, but also to have their rights illegally restricted.
This organization is dedicated to bring those millions together as a cohesive voting and advocacy block. We influence legislators, encourage candidates, support law enforcement, build strategic alliances and educate the public about gun rights, gun safety and personal protection.
If you are a Gun owner in New York, Please JOIN US.